A cross-party group of MPs has slammed the Government for delaying the introduction of E10 petrol.

The criticism followed the Department for Transport’s decision to launch a consultation on whether E10 should be introduced.

Nic Dakin, Labour MP for Scunthorpe and chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for British Bioethanol, commented: “As usual the Government is failing to take the initiative and lead the way on tackling climate change and air pollution, choosing instead to delay vital decisions and thereby putting thousands of jobs in my region at risk.

“E10 is a quick and easy way to tackle the most pressing environmental problems from transport, which is the largest single contributor of greenhouse gas emissions. While the Department for Transport have set out E10’s benefits, they’ve failed to provide a realistic workable solution for its introduction.

“Numerous consultations, select committees and working groups have already recommended E10, we gain nothing by going through the motions of yet another call for evidence, but we stand to potentially lose a major industry and employer in the North East.”

The PRA has said its members are strongly opposed to the introduction of E10 until and unless it is mandated by the Government.